Frozen Green Papaya

Product Specifications



Chopped, Cube, Stick, Shred





Shelf Life

24 months (under -18oC)

Brand Name


Place of Origin


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Product Details

Green Papaya is planted popular in Vietnam and you’ll see papaya trees everywhere. That they resemble small, thin hand trees of sort and chances are, in which renewable papaya dangling from the tree.

Papayas grow so well in tropical Oriental climates like that of Vietnam that folks use them both as fruit when they’re fully ripe, and as a vegetable, when they’re still green and crunchy. The flesh is similar in texture and consistency to that of a mango. It is semi-firm and succulent, easily pierced when ripe. The flesh’s flavor is slim and subtly sweet. The seeds are tart and peppery. They can be ground and used as a pepper substitute.

Frozen Green Papaya Processing Photos

Green papaya peeled
Green papaya choped
Green papaya chopped
Green papaya chopped
Green papaya chopped
Green papaya shred by shredder
Green papaya shred by shredder
Green papaya shred – 500g
Frozen green papaya shred - 500g
Frozen green papaya shred – 500g